Sunday, January 25, 2009

Few lessons from the Slumdog Millionaire - in general

The Slumdog Millionaire –

This blog talks about "What essence I got out of the parts of the movie".

1. Amitabh incident of the movie – One should be passionate about his choices he can achieve that – however hard he has to toil.

2. What is love, for the hero of the movie – One should be passionate about his choices he can achieve that – however hard he has to toil. He goes to the program KBC (Who wants to be a millionaire) not to win it but to get a chance to have an opportunity to interact with his girlfriend.

3. Riots – these are not needed in the society in the name of god we make our coming generations orphan life becomes a misery for those unfortunate kids besides the riots making our life miserable.

4. Baggers on Mumbai Roads – many a times I gave them some money but I will avoid it, they are doing business on someone else's payroll – they are unfortunate. Can we ask the police to pick these children and put them in some orphanage or rehab camps etc? Can our system make noise for these kids and give them a chance to join mainstream? Can we put their lords behind bars, and stop this non-sense, if it exists? We have a number 1098, child helpline, how many times we have used it? Personally – I never used it. Who stops us from doing that, I don't know why we are so irresponsible for our own society. Its our attitude – if this does not happen to me why should I bother? It is always said that we need major changes in our Police, political and legal system, please add to it own attitude too. Because we are part of the system and if we do not change how can we expect our system to change itself, we make the system, we play a role to follow the system and if we are the Bramha's (creator) and Vishnu's (sustainer) of the system the we only need to be the Shankara/Mahesh (destroyer) for a newer and a better system. Are we ready for this?

We are gradually forgetting the Mumbai 26/11 attack, now I see it has become a business as usual for many of us. Why? Where is the will is not it our responsibility to keep the spirit up and be open for the next opportunity? Are we ready making new stronger system, sustaining them and destroying the defunct one's?

The millionaire story is not about a Muslim kid of slum, but its about those other slum dwellers too who belong to other parts of our society. People like Mayavati (surprisingly she pays a lot of tax, government knows it, she calls herself a 'dalit ki beti' and still our High Profile investigative agencies fail to crack the sources of her income – it is not only true for her but also for many politicians) are minting money in the names of their birthdays and heritage of our freedom fighters. Where are they when the Dalits have to sleep in Shivaji Park at Mumbai between 5th to 7th December to pay homage at the Chait Bhum? Those few are taking advantages of the misery of a particular section of our society. Earlier other sections were taking mileage by showing them down, now few people of their own community are taking mileage by titillating them on what used to happen in past. Those people are not interested in the development of these underprivileged sections of our society, if they will progress who will vote for these people who are minting money on their name?

When will we change? Are we ready to be the change?